Monday, October 22, 2007

Anytime, anywhere.

Online collaboration is a beautiful thing.  Thanks to the internet, we now have the ability to work with others at any time from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection.  There are various web apps that allow this to happen.  One of the most famous is made by Google.  If this was done a couple of years ago, I would have just said "Google Docs," but they have expanded their online collaboration tools to a multitude of software.  Online collaboration spans from filling out a spreadsheet to making a slideshow presentation.

Apple computers is also trying to put online collaboration into the homes of its users.  With the release of the Leopard operating system this Friday (get pumped) upgrades to the current iChat will take place.  These upgrades include being able to remotely control the other persons computer THROUGH iCHAT (!, crazy!), share presentations within the chat convo, play movies live within the window, or even open an excel spreadsheet that is fully editable.

The future is here (by definition is kinda has to be ;)) and online collaboration is taking the world by storm.   People are starting to realize the power of working together anytime, anywhere.

p.s. for my web theories class last year, I worked on my final project paper through Google Docs with my partner and nothing has been easier.  It is an amazing theory and is amazing in practice.

1 comment:

Map Finder said...

These all sound like really great features. My only concern is just that apple computers aren't widely enough used yet for the features of this software to be enjoyed by enough people. I think apple should make its software compatible with windows computers... or make a mac os that can run jointly with Windows, on a PC machine. It seems like your life is entirely apple, now that you've gotten a job there. It's an interesting phenomenon to see. I don't even remember reading any posts on your blog before that specifically focused on apple until you began to interview there. I guess you're just very excited (understandably).